Size matters Smaller that is


Today I was at my local dealer listening to the most recent Sonus Faber Amati's. Wow what a beutiful speaker with quality exuding from everywhere. They were set up in the main listening room with Mcintosh 1.2"s and Mcintosh C1000T driving them, the source was also the reference Mcintosh player. The dealer put some Norah Jones on and off we went. I have to say that as good as the Amati's are to my ear they SLIGHTLY suffer from sounding a little closed in and boxy. By contrast my Sonus Faber Guarneri sound free, warm, and wonderfully open. This could be in part to my use of Mcintosh tube gear, but in general I find that larger speakers have to work very hard (Read expensive) to get out of there own way. I know no one speaker has it all, but in general I find that driven by first class electronics a smaller speaker is music to my ears. Where larger speakers also sound fantastic, but in general not as open and alive. Could also just be a Guarneri "Thing". My two cents anyway.

Obviously there are a great many variables that can be involved in this kind of comparison, but in addition to room size which has been mentioned, I would single out listening distance as well. Large multi-way speakers require greater listening distance for their drivers to blend properly, which may not be possible in a small to medium sized room. And even if it is physically possible to sit far enough away, doing so in a small room may result in side-wall reflection problems.

-- Al
Aside from generalizations... maybe the Guarneri is just the better speaker?

I haven't heard the best SF speakers, but the ones that I have heard have sounded closed in and boxy (cremona, GP, Concerto). Warmth at the expense of clarity
Well put. I did find the Amatis very warm but not the most clear. My Guarneri sound very clear & warm
small speakers are nice, and a lot of fun, but i've found you have to be able to move some air to get it done right.
I know what you mean about "Move some air to get it done right". In my case to get it done right I prefer a nice glass of Amarone to accompany the music (ha ha). I think in the end there is probably no absolute solution to obtaining the best hi fi, only the best solution for your particular budget and taste.