sistrum vs neuance

Anyone tried both products? What differences did you hear. A similar thread degenerated in to arguements and name calling. Please, could we talk about the sonics and leave the physics and egos out? I don't want to fight about isolation, energy transfer, etc. but I would love to hear your listening experiences with both products. Thanks
Anything is possible! I would be willing to demo any item anyone wants to send me with a fair open mind! I'm not sold on any one product or method, I realize that there are many very good alternatives out there for individuals. That's why I have each of my three audio systems set up differently, in different rooms.
Lak, undoubtedly the best place to do *that* test, (if you still want to) is with the T4. You'd need to accurately weigh the beast and give the amount to Ken.
Ken Lyon wrote:

"Most footer devices function primarily as filters which can often be of benefit in band-aiding or masking resonance problems in a more traditional setting but when placed between the component and Neuance, can often impede the smooth and even transfer of energies towards Neuances collection laminate structure and absorbant core.

For the most part,due to this perception of "neutrality" and very low self-generated signature, Neuance will tend to ruthlessly reveal the sonic character of the footer for the good or the bad."

I must say that the performance of my Nuance shelf has improved with the DH Labs cones over the stock, Linn Ikemi footers. I tried several types of cones, roller balls, and other isolation devices, and while I would agree with your tonal shading argument for these devices, in my particular application, I found the DH cones to be the exception to this argument. Specifically, the DH cones moved the system sound to more neutral. I attribute this to the poor footer design of the Ikemi, which attenuated the sonic performance of the Neuance. The challenge, it seems, is to get a coupling between chassis and Neuance which is as close to the Neuance material properties as possible.

Ah, DH Cones!

They outperformed the Audiopoints when draining onto Caribbean Moca boards on my tiny Channel Islands components! The surprise wasn't really that they beat the Audiopoints--it was that DH cones have no points per se...and still worked better. I should try them on my Forté amp...

Audiotweak, I read your post. You deleted it while I was reading the Audiopoint instructions in the Sistrum website.

So, my science is flawed. Yeah, right...
