Sistrum Platforms

Has any one tried these in thier system and how is the rack at reducing vibrations? Thanks.
Were these the old threads which contained posts by "The Doctor"? If so, they were an "obvious" hoot and did much more damage than good to the product's image. Hopefully those involved in that one have learned their lesson. Also agreed that Bruce's opinion is highly valued as he "walks the walk".
dekay: yep, them's the ones. i also want to acknowledge brulee's being a standup guy. just wish he'd learn how to write the talk he talks. :o)

Redkiwi and confedboy, thanks you for stating your opinions about the stands. I have been considering the Sistrum platform, until this forum that is. It seems very odd that lonelynote questions your opinions in a forum like this. He seemed a little bit defensive. Does he work for Sistrum? If so, why doesn't he use his real name? He should realize that not everyone is going to like his product. After reading his posts, it doesn't appear to be acompany that I would want to do business with. I think I will check out some of the othe stand companies mentioned on this forum.
Davidlpk- Upon rereading this thread, I've come to the opposite conclusion. Deeds of a year ago aside, the initial respondents are well known on this forum and should have raised no 'alarm'. Of the posts that seem questionable, Dm11 is not known to me and his experience so contradicts the experiences of those who are known to me that I give them little weight. I'm not challenging his experience, simply suggesting that there are always two sides to every story.

I did not find Robert's comments inflamatory as they could easily have been given the nature of the attack, rumor and innuendo. I interpretted his invitation as sincere. Though I disagree with my good friend Brulee from time to time, I generally trust his impression. Though I'm not versed in the Sistrum product line, a little research followed by a call to Robert seems quite likely. Of course, since I don't use my name for logging in, how can anyone possibly believe me?!

I don't remember using the word inflamatory. Also, I don't consider posts from cornfedboy or Redkiwi to be product bashing. As you said, there are two sides to every story. As someone who is looking to spend a chunk of change on a stand, I consider all opinions here on this forum. So please tell me, what your expirience is whith product? Also, who is Robert (which post)? Is he a friend of yours?