Hello To all Audio gon people: I would like to introduce myself as the sales manager for Simaudio. I have concerns over negative cooments regarding distribution, I just would like to state that we as a company pride ourselves in the retention factor that our customers have. There have been a few W-5 amps come to the used market in the past few months, however, 2 of these amps that I know of came to the used market by nature of their upgrading to W-10 monoblock amplifiers. We as a manufacturer cannot control the used marketplace, as with the advent of the internet, you the consumer benefit greatly from the information found within. We appreciate and share the same concern regarding the used value of our products, as they are extremely high in value even at the suggested retail price points. My suggestion to you all, is that should you find a W-5 being sold at $2300 or whatever the price may be, please feel obliged to kindly tear the arm off the seller in purchasing this amp, as at that price you may have stumbled onto the deal of the year. Our amplifiers do not come to the used market often in relation to the amount of them that we sell. Which I feel is a very strong statement. Bearing all this in mind, please remember that without people constantly changing and looking for different components and sounds (of which there any many good sounding products on the market) Our industry wouldn't be as much fun as it is. Thank you all for your kind comments and concern. With our highest regards Vincent Stables Simaudio