Silver Speaker Wire Recommendations?

I am lookng for recommendations for silver speaker wire in the $1500 price range. Any recommendations? I have B&W 803 Matrix speakers.
You might even consider a silver / copper blend like Harmonic Tech Pro 9's or Acoustic Zen's Satoris.

Not only are they both quite detailed and sweet, but their pricing is even sweeter.

For a used 10 ft pair you are looking in the $500 to 900 range.
The Alpha-Core MI2 silver cable (called the "Divinity", I think) is an excellent product, and may be within your price bracket (depending on cable length). For more info, look at Alpha-Core's Web site:

You might also want to consider the Silver Lace speaker cable from HomeGrownAudio. See their Web site at:
Might consider trying a DIY silver foil cable. Would come in around $350 and pretty easy to build. Of course if looks or braggin rights matter then you might not care for these. Check out
I recently installed a pair of Analysis Plus Silver Ovals and have found them detailed and open, without the "harshness" I have heard from the limited number of other silver cables that I auditioned. They will easily fit within your budget.
Bigkidz, I used several brands of silver interconnects and speaker cable (all the Silver Audio line, Home Grown, Bear Labs, Granite Audio #444, the last two I like the best), however on my reference system I very much prefer the Pure Note Epsilon Reference interconnects and speaker cables. I highly recommend you give them a demo!