Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
Not that I would spend that much, however, a fast car, unless you have race track time - is merely a means of transport. If you listen to music 1-2 hours an evening, then, in terms of enjoyment the system is far better value for money BTW I am a petrolhead
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When a loudspeaker cable and a fresh water supply for an African village cost the same you know we live in a beautiful world and everything is as it's supposed to be
...and they would not reterminate (in shorter runs) that same Odin that they charge so much, aldo they state that they will do so, on their website...have the e mail to prove that....