Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!

Showing 22 responses by hfisher3380

Petty - I ask again for you to give me one example - not surprisingly you are unable - and I am not surprised - you are unable because you are full of it and in fact there is no example. You have no data, nothing. You are a fraud. You go on an on for pages about nothing but paranoid lies. I don't want to hear yet another explanation from you on this - I want one example...O-N-E. Enough of your charade!
"You discount Common Sense as "Proof"?".

Just the fact that you seem to think you have displayed even a shred of common sense speaks volumes.
Petty, I'm really not sure why I'm still responding to you - but I intend to say this one last time. I don't expect you to listen to me because you haven't shown any inclination to listen over the first 266 posts, but you continue to accuse me of ridiculous things so I will defend myself one last time.

At no point did I ever say I would like to wipe out any other formats. In fact, my number one format remains vinyl. I still have a large collection of CDs. I have given up on SACD but harbour it no ill will. Just because I have chosen to adopt computer audio does not mean I want to wipe out other formats. And even it I did, it wouldn't matter - I am just one consumer.

That's why when I ask for you to supply proof of you accusations you are unable - because there is none. I have absolutely zero intention of any format being wiped out - and why would I?

Your repeated baseless accusations give you precisely zero credibility. Somewhere buried in your ridiculous tirades there may be legitimate points but they are completely lost because you have zero credibility at this point.

I'm sure you will continue your crusade or whatever it is. No matter what we say you will continue to accuse us of all sorts of crimes. In the end we are audiophiles and music lovers who happen to use computers to help us enjoy music - that's it.

I don't intend to address this any further because I've grown weary of your nonsense. You obviously came on here looking for a pissing match and a pissing match you found - but I will indulge you no longer.
Thanks Timlub - and regarding your query on a "made-for-audio pc", personally I am a very happy Mac user so it probably wouldn't be of any interest to me. Perhaps a new thread would give you more idea - I think many have already tuned out of this one!

What we really need to hear is if something like this would be of any interest to a nihilist like pettyofficer - after all he was the one who suggested it in the first place. Wouldn't it be priceless if it was Petty himself who spurned the idea for a venture like that...?! ;)
Agree, we would all benefit from greater selection in high res downloads...about this there is no argument. Somehow blaming us for this situation IS a problem though!

After, someday all new music will only be available as downloads.

Another dimension of silliness. Always entertaining to read your inane posts, Petty.

In conclusion, I hope all other formats get wiped out and computer audio is all you have. I'm just that kinda guy.

Oh, except for vinyl - because I still love that - and I's gotsta look out fer number one.

Best wishes.
Was just remarking at the barrage of high res releases at HDTracks and Qobuz - thought it is time to resurrect this legendary thread!

Has there ever been a better time for high res digital audio? Just purchased 15 Rush albums for less than $100 dollars - even in the headiest days of SACD/DVDa this sum would have bought me no more than 3 albums.

Surely if Petty is still around he can at least admit he was wrong about this?
Petty, you obviously have some pretty serious issues. The problem here is that - as I said somewhere around page 2 or 3 - you're complaining to the wrong people. Most of us here are pretty happy with computer audio and the direction things are heading. Most of us here are savvy enough to get pretty much any music we want, in whatever format we want, and with generally good to excellent sound quality. You on the other hand seem to be incapable.

I would suggest - and I hope you'll listen to me this time - that you take your complaints to those who might be able to do something about it. Or perhaps better still, use your engineering background to help you figure some stuff out. Because I think it is pretty clear that the people here are not going to be able to cure what ails you.

Computer audio definitely ain't perfect - nobody is suggesting that. But the depth and breadth of your problems clearly exceeds our capacity to help you.

Best of luck!
Wow Petty - you're not very good at spotting obvious sarcasm.

Look, it's very simple. You started this thread almost a year ago and it has stretched 7 pages. People have honestly tried to help you and steer you straight, you just haven't listened. You are impossible to talk to and reason with. Not only that, you're all talk and no action. As I said somewhere on page 2, if you're this miffed at computer audio then YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You have been complaining for a year now. I hate complainers!!!

One year later you're as befuddled as you were at the beginning. You are a fool, plain and simple. Either that or you're a troll and we're the fools - hard to tell...
Petty, gosh how I wish I had the power you are granting me!!

But alas, unfortunately you're just giving me too much credit...somebody buy this man a cookie! I truly do appreciate the flattery...
Petty, we're not trying to sell you anything, nor are we trying to restrict your choices of music or format. You're the one who came here asking questions and not listening to the answers.

To put in plain and simple: you're wrong.

Hope you can understand that.
"So what you are really saying is YOU don't have an answer to my question. You could have just said that from the beginning, and saved everyone a whole lot of reading. Repeat after me....I...DON'T...KNOW. If you don't know then you haven't a clue when you say "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads"- do you??? "


We don't have an answer?

We've been answering for 7 pages. You just choose not to listen.
"Why don't you understand this? You need no skills. A five year old could do it."

I think this pretty well sums it up for me...nicely said!
Petty - such is life and it has nothing to do with anyone in this chat group.

Whom do you blame for the thousands of analogue recordings that never made it onto CD? For the 78rpm records that never survived to see the light of day as LPs? This is just the natural order of things. If there is demand then there is money to be made. If there is money to be made then the product will be manufactured and sold.

Simple. Any 5-year old could understand it. That's the world we live in. You just can't handle the truth...
"I already have an acknowledgement of the problem, but see no solution (or desire) to correct it."

Um - OK - then let me ask this. You are the only one complaining but you have "no desire to correct it". So WTF are you complaining about then? Do you really think WE will try to correct it if we're not even complaining in the first place? Heck, goodness knows I have had my fair share of problems and challenges with computer audio - and everything in life for that matter - but you had better believe that I have addressed these problems and tried to correct them. Much more productive than complaining and being contrarian for a year.

Honestly, you're just complaining for the sake of complaining. When asked to list all this wonderful music you can't get, you can't even come up with one example. NOT EVEN ONE!

You started this tread complaining about SOUND QUALITY - and have cycled through a litany of other complaints - some related, many unrelated. More than a year has gone by, 8 pages of complaints...yet you have done nothing productive to try and correct it yourself.

I'm glad you finally came clean on this. Anyone who complains for years about something but doesn't even lift a finger to correct it is a loser, plain and simple.

Look here's the simple truth:

In this day and age, a simple google search can get you whatever music you seek, so shut your trap about that already!
So Petty, what have you actually DONE to address your concerns? Other than complain, I mean. Please answer this simple question. If the answer is "nothing" (which I suspect it is) then you are nothing other than a crusty ol' fart...
"Blue Ray Audio is looking better by the minute". Oh yes Petty, you're right. GREAT selection on Blu Ray, clearly it is the format that is going to save this music vacuum you keep harping on. You win. Good luck with YOUR format.

Here's a little hint for you. Blu Ray, DVDa, SACD, CD...these aren't really any different from computer audio. Computers basically make them all the same format, they are all in the process of converging. But I'm sure you don't care because that doesn't fit with your ridiculous agenda.

After almost 1-1/2 years and 8 pages of posts, you still have not answered my question, so here it is yet again:

OTHER THAN COMPLAINING, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ADDRESS YOUR CONCERNS? (even though I'm shouting this time, I'm still expecting no response, because the response is "nothing" are a farce).

They are YOUR concerns, not ours. Not sure why you keep on complaining to us. computer audio and its enthusiasts are somehow to blame for 10000 out of print CDs. And you have not even been able to name EVEN ONE that you have been unable to find. Right. Makes perfect sense...

Here's a little hint for you, Sherlock. CDs, records, books...these things go out of print all the time, format changeover or not. I work in the health care field - a recent phenomenon has been various medications going out of production - the pharmaceutical industry stops producing them. Must be that dang computer audio crowd causing that as well!
EXACTLY. CDs and downloads are basically the SAME format. The only difference is downloads are not limited to 16/44.

The trend in everything digital is AWAY from physical media - and with good reason. No matter how much Petty kicks and screams.