
I have an LSA Statement integrated. A beautiful and well-made and welk-sounding amplifier. Yet I'm being seduced by the idea of Shindo components to match with a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios.

Any thoughts on Shindo components?
I have received outstanding support from Jonathan at Tone Imports with Shindo gear that was purchased used from both dealers and private people. This is amazing gear but it has to be matched extremely well to all components in your system.
I have Shindo Monbrison pre and Montrachet amp.
They were driving AZ Adagio's.
I sold the AZs, bought Devore O/96s.
I don't think the AZs are a good match with Shindo gear.
Anyone here is driving Avantgarde speakers with either or both Shino pre and power amp? If so, please kindly share your experience.