SETs vs. Push/Pull

Say, people! I've been a tube guy for about 22 years and an SET guy for 7. Am seriously thinking of selling my Air Tight 300B and getting a P/P with more power. Anyone done this and if so, how are things going? Any suggestions for replacement amps that can compete musically with SETs?
Hello Tomryan,
I have a pair of the Granite 860's. They can reasonably drive my Piega P-10's. The 30 Watts of Triode is heavenly and bass is really really good for thirty watts of power. Of course at 8400 a pair you'd better get something. If you're in the Toronto area let me know.
Thanks for the info, both LaK and Ecclectique. I, too, am a fond admirerer of the Response series and had the 2S for a short while before getting the 2.5s. My 300B amp is designed to standard Air Tight quality and has Tamura trannies and other goodies which give it more drive and extension than any other 300B I've listened to. High frequency extension is superb for any amp, however, I fully agree about the bass problem. I just don't think a single pair of 300bs can get deep, controled, and tight bass from my speakers although they will give it - have done it with a number of tube amps.

Uh oh...gotta go. Will come back later and praddle on some more.
CAT JL2 is the only amp that will give you back the virtues of PP amps and still retain all of your SET virtue - and then improve on both!

Bless your heart , all these people with their ideas. Sets are the way period! Don't let anybody fool you. You may try another route, but in the end you will go back to SETs. Nothing images or sounds realistic as SET. Just SETs are very picky in what they like in front of them and behind them. Find another speaker to demo first. You have one of the best 300B amps available. The Proacs are great too but, they tend to be a little boring. Try some Deware HDTs and depending on the music you listen to you may have to use a sub. But, the speakers are so tight for a single driver that a sub. is very easy to use with them.

I am using an REL but running main speakers full range as the sub is designed for this. I may try conventional set-up and relieve the ProAcs of some burden. But what is a Deware HDT? I know what a Direct Heated Triode is and I know what Decware is (tried the Sig. mono amps about 3-4 years ago) but have no idea what Deware HDT may be.

I listened to some Classic Audio speakers ($10,000.00 pr) and only heard powerful Chinese percussion and they sounded, well, powerful. They are way too big a speaker to audition at home. Have you had any experience with Cain & Cain Abbeys? I heard them in an all Almarro tube set up and the music was quite soft and uninvolving.

Im getting the consensus that Air Tight makes a hell of a piece of hi-fi gear. I'm going to keep my 300B and maybe talk my wife into letting me get another amp. (That's one component she just can't understand the need for more than one. I have two DACs, two transports, and did have two and even three pairs of speakers at one time but this will have to get approval. However, she is one damn wonderful woman because she bought the Air Tight for my 50th birthday.)