set speakers large or small?

fronts 1.6 thiels 48hz-20khz,thiel center-47hz-23khz,rear thiel power points,75hz-20khz.reciever arcam 350,velodyne sub,should i set all speakers to large?
You better try different set ups and choose the one that suits better to your hearing likes. Some like big speakers, others dont.
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m/n sf128vx1o its about 12 years old,friend gave it to me.i called velodyne and they said to set the receiver at 80 and the sub crossover at 100.there is not a on/off direct switch on the sub
Reason for setting sub above xover point of recv'r/preamp is to make sure the range transfer for lack of better phrase is not missed. Example...if you set sub to 60 hz and recvr to 80hz....the info between the two settings would not get to sub therefore setting sub at or just above recvr/bass management setting will ensure there is no gap or more important too much overlap.

BReynolds is correct about the 100hz would be able to localize the sub with those higher freqs being sent to it. Sub should disappear in room so to speak. You should hear/feel it but not tell where it actually is. Do 80hz and listen to various material with large setting and small decide which is fuller and smoother.