Separate ground for dedicated line

I would like to install a dedicated line or 2 with a separate ground. Would installing a ground rod in my crawl space and running two ground wires from the outlet (1 to the rod and the other to the main breaker box) be acceptable in terms of tying the grounds together? I am not certain where the main ground is located since the power feed to the house is buried with no exposed cables.
I need to do something as the stereo is on a noisy 14 guage lighting circuit. Thanks.
Yes, except that you ALWAYS want to isolate the RF-noisy digital components from the low-level analogue (CDP, phono pre, tuner, etc.). So if you run only ONE dedicated line keep your CDP OFF it! Better to run two for digital and one for analog. Even better to run THREE if you have big monos, so they can have their own fatter one. RSVP for more info....Ern
Subaruguru, thanks for your help. I have two Mark Levinson 334 dual mono blocks, and one Bryston 7BST single mono block for the sub. I'm afraid that all of these amps can draw mucho amps when taxed. I have one 20 amp circuit for the Bryston and three 15 amp circuits for the two Mark Levinsons and the CDP. Do I need all four circuits or is this overkill?
Stephen (Rphsvc), I think you have all the advice you need above, but may I point you all to a recent post for some related details: impedance mismatched ?
And the reference: Video & Audio: Power, Ground, EMI, Noise in Cables

Glen, would you comment on Joeb's question of adding a ground when there wasn't one and its installation and code implications? Or point to a post of yours? (perhaps I didn't see it...)

And as per:
04-14-03: Subaruguru
Yes, except that you ALWAYS want to isolate the RF-noisy digital components from the low-level analogue (CDP, phono pre, tuner, etc.).
That is why I also use EMI/RF filters on all my outlets.

IMO, Redwoodgarden, if you got 'em, use 'em! But I might add that using isolated ground outlets might help by bringing all the power grounds back to the original panel ground in a star configuration (read Glen's and other's excellent posts). At least as far as the power ground is isolated from the equipment grounds locally. The equipment grounds will be star grounded at the common 3rd prong equipment ground. This also works well when using conduit. Use conduit and 4 wires for best results. (I used it for a Manhattan studio in an industrial area). This is quite safe and legal as long as all grounds end up together (ref. Glen) and there is little or no ground current. There should *never* be ground current (over 10 milliamps) unless there is a problem which is why I use GFIs to alert me to the presence of a difference in the return current on the neutral vs. the ground. Home GFIs trip at 5mA.
This is a bit off topic, but my new listening room is being built over the garage, very close to the power line and a utility co. transformer. On wall runs paralell to the power lines a mere 10' from the wall. I am worried about electrical interference being that close. Perhaps Ernie and Gs5556 could respond?
i originally did my dedicated lines in a previous abode with a seperate ground rod though my secondary box was bonded to the main box. It sounded significantly better. Then a kind soul on audio asylum described with word s and pictures the mechanism by which a lightning strike would preferentially kill my system. I proptly went to a single house ground without significant degredation of the sound.