seeking vintage audio info

hey everyone, 
looking for some advice/info. I recently inherited a vintage stereo system, and I have no idea what it is worth. it is something I prob wont use, so im thinking of selling it, and I am hoping you guys can help me put a value on it, and send me to the best place to try and sell something like this. 
its a DUAL stereo system. I have a amp(cv-40) a tuner (ct-15) a turntable (1209) a real to real tape  (tg-28) and 2 speakers. I havnt been able to test the real to real, but it looks in great shape. the amp tuner and speakers work great, and the turntable powers on and turns, but I cant get it to stop turning for some reason. otherwise, everything is in great condition and it comes from the original owner who bought it new in Europe years ago.... 
any thoughts? appreciate any advice. thanks
Well thats not what i like to hear haha... care to elaborate?? The amp alone is on ebay for 300 bucks cdn. I know that doesnt mean squat... but just kinda eondering why u say that
Some tables from that era had autoplay and shutoff that looks at the tonearm movement and won't disengage until after reading the end of the LP and the arm auto-lifting. Be sure to play a side all the way through and see if it lifts on it's own. If it does that just might stop it from turning. Cheers,
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