Sanusi SP-20,000 Rare Speakers HELP

I picked up this really nice set of all original high-end Sansui SP-20000 speakers from a local. They are in pretty good shape and work other than one of the mid-horns is dead (T-141). This is beginning to seem like a frustrating issue considering I can't find a replacement mid-horn for sale anywhere. Does anybody know where I can find a replacement T-141 mid-horn.
Also all foam is intact on the woofers and radiators, is there anything I can treat it with to revitalize it or condition it. I'm sure I could refoam the 10" woofer but the radiators are unique and haven't seen any refoam kits that would suite them.

Any help is appreciated.
Pictures at link below.
Not sure who your replying to.... The Sansui SP-20000 were direct competitors to the JBL L150 from what I can find. These Sansui are very well made and do sound very impressive. I have only heard L100's powered off a Sansui G9000 which was also impressive. Just trying to get these rare beauties repaired so I can sell them and some lucky person can enjoy them.
Hi,. I know this is an old thread but were you still looking for the T141 horns?  I have a pair.  Please let me know if you are interested 

Best regards,

Had those speakers 50 years ago bought them back from the PX in Viet Nam.Today they are ancient history.Good luck though.