Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications

Can anyone give me some impressions on these machines? I currently have a much more expensive player. I like the fact that these players are universal, physically much smaller than what I have, and cheap(!). There is a very positive post here on the stock player, but if it is that good, why aren't more people jumping on board. Is it that good? Or just good for the money?
Nope we're talking about the same publication. No they don't get in the cat fights, but they do tell it like it is in most cases. I've talk to Doug in the past on the phone inquiring about some of his products.I hate to see people try to tar and feather a person without personal contact. I think he and the other modders have grown tired of APL's constant negative comments towards their products to promote his own..nothing more.

There's a thread some where on Agon.Where a few of the other well known modders speak out about his business practices. I think it's the "Anything Better than the Esoteric DV50" thread or something like that.So believe me.. Doug isn't alone in his feelings.

I for one am planning to try one of their custom job players. I just have to save a few more pennies before I ask them to build me a unit.Doug's thread shows me that the man has a pair of cahunas. Something that seems lacking around here IMHO.This is the reason I scan AA and AC forums more..just a little boring around these parts.
Audiosu didn't you not too long ago post a review and then back track on it before letting the player burn in? What's a shame is when some one post a negative review and then finds out he wasn't patient enough to begin with..what a crock! Your the pot calling the kettle black.
Init2winit ,

First, I am not a crock. Sounds you are.

Second, in the message I wrote today I did not say anything about 4960, it is about RAM's behavior, that upset you every much ?

I suspect you work for RAM, otherwise you won't jump out and get personal attack to me , but not attack what I said in my previous post regarding RAM's unprofessional behavoir.
No sir I do not work for RAM and I don't own any of their products. But I'm interested in them.I may be interested in the APL depending on that shoot out.I wish I could be there..but I'm in and out of the country too much to have the time.Your post just seem hypocritical to me.I wasn't calling you a crock.It was your phrasing on which I commented as a crock.
Bandwagons are easy to jump on and from what I see you feel a need to join that group of riders.

I see you have your unit up for sale much you willing to let it go for? This may give me an idea of which way to go and how much to spend.

Have a great day!
I did not own any APL product yet. I had kept a eye on APL. I am not bias toward RAM just because I own their product. I am constant,actually, from What I experienced from RAM, I gave their shop 3 stars in my previous post.

"Your post just seem hypocritical to me", yeah! Let's see who is hypocritical ? It is you! First you claimed "Honestly I don't see what's so unfair." Then later claimed yourself "neutral". How can anyone to be "neutral" if he think what RAM did is "not Unfair".
First. RAM's test again APL 3910 is Self claimed.
Second, the APL 3910 machine used is questionable.
Third, it is even more ridicloius to claim their cheapest $700 better their competitor's $5000 machine.

Finally, anyone with an brain ought to know what is a fair test:
a.Independent council buy one of each machine from both company secretly just as an normal buyer so they don't know their machine is going to be test and won't overmod it to sky.
b.The council test A/B test the machine by using well know neutral sound reference gears in the setup, for example ,the Pre-amp& amp, Mark Levinson is well know for it neutrality and quality. For speakers there are chioces.

C, randomly choose an panel of listeners to blind do A/B test.

How can anyone claimed himself "neutral" yet said "Honestly I don't see what RAM did is so unfair." ,
one anwser: that man is HYPOCRITICAL.