Salamander AV Rack

I'm going to need an AV Rack when I add an HDTV later this summer. I will probably get a 50" plasma or Sony SXRD and want it to go on top, so I was considering a Salamander Twin 20 (so as not to put the screen too high), but I am not sure how to deal with my turntable. Has anyone used the pull-out shelves on a Salamander rack? Are those too unstable for the turntable, even if it's inside the rack while playing (pulled out only to change albums)? Does anyone have another suggestion? Thanks.
How did you make out with this set up? I have the same dilemna. I was thinking of getting a Triple 20 instead of a twin. The 42" Plasma would cover 2/3 of the top, leaving the remaining section for the turntable. Curious if you are pleased with your alternative set up.
I have a wall mount turntable stand with extra shelf below for the phono preamp - works like a charm and far away from my son's inquiring fingers
I have a Rega wall mount for my Planar 3 above the top shelf of my Twin 30. As my place has wooden floors, I would not mount a TT any other way...

Good luck!