SACD - Another year and ...

OK... another year has passed and still there are very few SACD titles available. What are your thoughts regarding the possibility that this format will survive? It is great, but will it reach out of the audiophile community?
I have a SCD 777 es for almost a year and don`t use it since my reguar CD play back is so good with a Krell DAC. Am tired of waiting for good new classical stuff. Seems like Sony bombed again. I really like their stuff --Sad.
I am hedging my bets. I plan to scoop up a Sony 777 on the used market next year. I have not heard SACD (nor DVD-A, for that matter) but I am definitely interested in the format. Hoping they get some classic rock stuff on SACD before I dive in.
I think there are about 160 SACD titles available which I would refer to as "very few" as well, especially since a lot of them have already had audiophile treatment in other formats. Sony seems somewhat impressed by the number 160, which scares me a bit. I'm not too disconcerted by the events of the last year, as everyone still seems very interested in it, but 2001 has to see some significant strides I would think - much cheaper players are coming to market, including the SCD-777ES which once went for $3500 now being available for $1600. Somebody is going to have to break down and create a real catalog of software including (gasp!) some rock and pop music, which doesn't just mean Jeff Beck's Blow By Blow yet again. I was encouraged by the release of Joe Satriani's latest on SACD, although that wasn't a hybrid disc, which is supposed to be the big selling point of the format. It's also disconcerting that SACD and DVD-A are still sparring so much.