
what is the best musical amp? 8tihc? the new 12 or esle?
What I wanted to ask is, How is the musicality of the new Roland 10,12 comparing with the older 8ti ? Is there any noticable improvment or is it just again a new marketing adventure.
I own a Model 10, and I listened before to a Model 8ti. I liked much better the Model 10, and it was less money to boot. It needs a long breaking, at least 200 hrs to sound its best, but you can tell after 100. I am using a TG power cable. I understand Rowland will be eliminating the 8Tcih line. I am no reviewer, but in my system it sounded more musical, and less hi-fi. Mind you the 8ti is a good amplifier to start with.
I think the 8TIHC is the best amp they have ever made, maybe the best solid state amp under $25,000. Very musical with excellent control.