Rotel RMB-1555 sufficient (vs RMB-1585) for B&W 805 D3?

I am setting up a system with L&R of 805D3 and Center of HTM2 D3. I also have a SVS sub. My understanding is that just the receiver (plan on getting Onkyo TX-RZ50) will not power these speakers well enough to get the most out of their potential. I am thus considering adding a Rotel RMB-1555 for the LCR. I would maybe consider bi-amping L&R since RMB-1555 is 5 channel. My question is whether the RMB-1555 (120W x 5) is sufficient or would there be a significant improvement in going to RMB-1585 (200W x 5). I do not listen to the music too loud. Just want clarity. Per B&W, the recommended amp for 805 D3 is 50W - 120W into 8Ω on unclipped program.

While you are advising me on RMB 1555 vs 1585 for this set-up, I am open to other options in the price range as well.



Interestingly, I just saw this and it is very close to my setup. But I figured you have already made your selections and hopefully enjoying it as well.

My L/C/R is similar: B&W 805D3 (L/R) with HTM4D2 (C).

LFE: Dual SVS-SB2000

I am driving them with Rotel RMB1095 (which is the previous version of RMB1585 at 200WPC). I am also using AV Anthem MRX740 pre-out (like a pre-pro). I am looking into RMB1555 or RMB1075 to drive the remaining surrounds, rears, Atmos heights, etc (7.2.4 Atmos config). Rotel rates their amps with all channels driven and full frequency range (20 - 20KHz) which is uncommon with most manufacturers. So for low to mid volume listening, RMB1555 will most likely be adequate (since power or current is heavily used for driving bass anyways). Mid to high frequencies do not require much power (so you have more than enough headroom per se). On top of that, you already have SVS subs to handle the deep bass. I don’t think bi-amping 805D3s is going to improve much. You are more than covered!

(PS - I recently upgraded my front L/C/R channels driven by Mark Levinson 533H. I hear about 20-25% sonic quality improvements. The entire sound from top to bottom is fuller. My use: 50/50 theater/immersive audio (SACD, CD, DVD-A, Blue-ray-A); lots of multichannel content on the audio side such as live concerts, full orchestral/chorus, vocals, jazz - acoustic, etc. Once in a while, 70’s rock (yes, Led Z, Alan Parsons, ELO, etc).