Room Treatment Options?...What to use?

I am having some trouble with boomy base. No, it's not the speaker placement. I have consulted the Cardas sight and have the Robert Harley book, so I think I am ok there. But the base still seems boomy. I need a bigger and more silent room but don't have the $250K down payment money in the Silicon Valley. I can only spend a couple of hundred dollars. How can I get my hands on some effective room treatment/sound absorption material?...Are there places I can buy this stuff and assemble it myself?..Your help will be appreciated
Try Auralex Acoustics Lenard Bass Traps. You can treat all four corners in your room for $320.00
You might want to experiment with different ways of decoupling your speakers from the floor. Spikes on a slab work great. If the bass coming out of your speaker isn't tight, I doubt that room treatment will help much.