Room ratios

Would it make sense to reduce the size of my soon to be listening room(a second bedroom now) from 12'x 16'x 8'high to the recommended size of 11.2' x 15.2' x 8' h. I understand ratios are very important to reduce unwanted standing waves.
I'm with Arthur - just install some corner bass traps in each corner (larger the better)
I would build in soffits, soffit traps, corner traps, and use a Rives PARC. Those room ratios are going to give you serious bass problems and you will probably need to electrically correct, but don't do only that. Try to reduce the problem as much as reasonably possible first.
I would prefer to change the room size before adding any sort of electronic device to correct. Hence the question should I make the room 11.2' X 15.2', this is not difficult at all for me, just hope to best use my efforts towards good sound