I disagree that you'll need to compensate for the 5751's slightly less gain; because that difference doesn't really occur until past the normal operating range on the two tubes' curves. Most people can't hear any difference, and the military (who originally requested a 'ruggedized' 12AX7) wouldn't have traded that requirement for a loss in performance when they replaced their 12AX7's.
As for tone, that really depends on the specific tube and to a (lesser) degree on the make of amp. I specify 'amp' because that's where the tube produces the most gain and so the tonal qualities are most obvious. In a preamp, what you are looking for is low noise -- especially in tube phonostages where a 5751 might be a plus.
I don't have tube preamp/phonostages, but the majority of my friends with McIntosh tube preamps (with tube phonostages) seem to have settled with Telefunken AX's and AT's over the stock Chinese tubes, and haven't ventured much beyond that. People with hissy tube phonostages who can't find a quiet 12AX7 and/or 12AT7 should definitely try 3-mica 5751's and/or 6201's (and tell us what happens please ;-)