rockport altair any informed opinions?

anyone see, hear and toch this seeming beautiful looking work of art? concidering a purchase but nowhere in reasonable distance to me to check it out at. the closes is 5-6hrs away. is it worth the drive and the price of admission? thanks for experianced opinions.
I have heard all of the above mentioned equipment at different times and in many different systems. There is no doubt that the JL products are exceptional, but with a properly engineered speaker, like a Rockport, they can often times take away from the overall articulation and resolution of the bass. I had two Fathoms in my system with a pair of Mira's and found that my bass performance was superior without the Fathoms in the mix. Is that the case for every room and every speaker? Probably not, but with a speaker like the Altair, which has a 15" woofer and an 8" mid-bass driver, more low-end headroom isnt always better. Really depends on what your musical tastes are, but for 99% of the people out there, what the Altair can provide standing on its own feet is more than enough. I would put the Altair up against any loudspeaker in the world, regardless of price, its really that special.
I have heard the Altair.. it is amazing how it demonstrate rocksolid bass with pin point accuracy of the musical elements. with invisible sound from the speaker cabinet, sound stage is rediculously deep. reproduce music is really live. the speaker sound is really separate from the speakers.. To sum up, this is the very best that i have heard so far. but to make it sing it will not be easy, careful matching of the equipment is very important. Speaker placement is also very close to the listening position. and finally source equipment of less than reference will show their weakness..

I have heard the Altair in an extensive demo in a well setup room.

They sound good, for sure, but the thing to keep in mind is that at this price point, it all comes down to taste.

Will you prefer them to the competition? The Wilson Alexandrias, Magico Model 6, or other all out assault designs?

The only way to know is to hear them
Goatwuss, the Altairs are not the top of line Rockport speakers.

The Wilson Alexandrias list for substantially more, aprox. $60K more then the Altairs. The Altairs are not Rockports all and all out assault design, you need to move up in the line.

How much do the Magico 6 list for?

It's great to do comparisons but should be apples to apples, hat's off if to the Altairs if you feel they are direct competitors to the specific speakers you mentioned.