RME ADI-2 DAC FS is it "All That", especially for under $2,000?

I am upgrading my main system with a Mark Levinson No 532H and pair of Tekton MOABs, arriving in the next few weeks. I decided my Music Hall 25.3 DAC should probably be upgraded as well, I have a PS Audio preamp I was planning on still using.

I am getting a lot of recommendations for the RME ADI-2 DAC FS, and some are saying replace my PS Audio preamp with it also. Pretty much every review or even mention of it I can find, comes with descriptions like "End Game product regardless of price" and "State of the art".

Hello again. I did compare the RME vs D90 and my Music Hall 25.3 as well.

The RME and D90 sounded virtually identical to my ears. I really could not discern a meaningful difference, especially enough to sway me one way or the other. I am sending the D90 back, the added functionality of the RME is worth the extra $ to me. I will be using it as just a DAC, and will continue using my PS Audio preamp.

The Music Hall was less refined than either of the other 2, it did have more bass, but not as tight. It almost sounded like it had the slightest bit of reverb relative to the other 2. Which was nice in some ways.

Although I am good at critical listening, my ears unfortunately are not what they used to be.... :( Others with better ears might be able to pick out more subtle differences.
I have a RME coming in as well as a Chord Qutest and will compare to Chord 2Qute which I have had for some time.  The 2Qute has always amazed me with its clarity, drive and fullness, but then again I have alot of tube gear downstream from it.
I just have a question how were you able to get Topping 90 for $630 from Apos audio. I called them and they were not able to seel for 630.
Great price for the Topping 90
I have and love the RME ADI-2 FS DAC.
I’m sure the Topping D90 and others are wonderful but there are several features that swayed me to the RME.

The RME has easy access to treble and bass adjustments. It has a choice of 5-6 filters to shape the music to my taste. It also has a parametric EQ on board for even more control of the sound.

 I know using those functions mentioned above is considered heresy by some, but for me, it’s all about getting the most from my system and enjoying my music to the fullest.

It’s great to see all these choices popping up on the market now.

@joeini how does it sounds? compared to other DACs you might have experienced?