Review: Tube Audio Design TAD-60 Tube amp

Category: Amplifiers

I'll start by saying that I've been into higher-end audio for a few decades now, and quite a lot of equipment has been through my hands to this point (half the fun of this hobby). Somewhere around 12 years ago, I'd come to realize that I preferred tube amplification over solid state in terms of an overall involving presentation of the music, and ever since then have owned tube stuff (brief flirtations with various solid state devices only helped to enforce this notion).

Which brings me to the discovery of Tube Audio Design, the provider of components conceived by Paul Grzybek (of Bizzy Bee Audio fame), built to his specifications by a very reputable Chinese manufacturer, and then hand-finished by Paul in his shop located in Wheaton, IL. (His offerings are available exclusively online; detailed product info is found at

The TAD-60 amplifier is built like the proverbial tank; overall appearance and heft (not to mention its specifications) in my experience indeed belie the modest asking price. With its stainless steel chassis and almost 1/2"-thick black anodized face, the relatively compact package portrays a masculine but elegant stance (also included is a lift-off stainless steel tube cage). All function controls are easily accessible from the chassis top, as are the tube bias test-points and adjustment pots (a digital voltmeter is included too).

EL34-based, the TAD-60 is rated at 60wpc in UL-mode, and 30wpc in switchable-on-the-fly triode-mode. Other standard features include adjustable input sensitivity and adjustable global feedback, adding flexibility to a host of possible preamp and speaker combinations (the input sensitivity control may also be used as a volume pot in a single-source direct input configuration).

Listening to the TAD-60 after the recommended 30 hour break-in period and beyond, the music really began to open up, and along with the TAD-150 preamp, I was experiencing just about every CD I spun in a whole new manner - I'm particular to small-ensemble jazz and female vocals - there was an in-the-room conveyence of the music that I found startling at times - present is deep, tight bass, a glorious midrange, detail, depth, and an overall natural presentation that allows hour after hour of enjoyable listening. I've found that the feedback adjustment permits a fine-tuning of balance between dynamics and warmth, and was able to "lock in" the amp to my speakers for what sounds to be a perfect sonic match (just a tad of feedback along with the triode-mode setting seems to be the magic spot in my case).

Without attempting to describe every sonic attribute I'm hearing (though I'm happy to answer any particular inquiries), suffice it to say that the TAD-60/TAD-150 combination strikes a synergy and glow that is especially musical, and is among the finest I've had the pleasure of owning. The TAD-150 has already been highly praised in at least a few user and online reviews, and I bet the TAD-60 will soon be recognized as a similar standout. If you happen to be in the market for high quality, reasonably priced, excellent-sounding gear, just take a listen for yourself, and you will hear what these components can do for music. (Paul also offers a 15-day in-home trail period.)

Note: I have no financial interest or business relationship with Paul Grzybek or Tube Audio Design.

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Well mailed off a money order to Paul for the TAD-60 so Merry Christmas to me!! I'll post reviews between the Cayin TA 30 and TAD-60.

Jbsljbsl - I've no doubt that you'll enjoy the TAD-60 very much. And thanks for the tube recommendation. I just emailed Paul for some additional info on tube setups as it will be a first for me and I don't really know the different characteristics of the various tubes available, but I was thinking KT88s to start with (as they are mentioned so often), but you never know...
The KT 88 and KT 90 are also the next tubes I want to try also. The EH 6CA7s have better bass than the Svetlana EL34s do and I like the midrange better also. Once I get the TAD-60 I'll let the Svet EL34s break in and then compare them to the EH 6CA7s. Then whichever I like best compare to the KT 88 and KT 90.

Enjoy and I'll post once I get the amp.

The TAD-60 does look like a beautifully constructed amp. There are alot of folks on this thread that have excellent tastes. This review & thread has sparked my interest into purchasing one. I especially like the ability to switch between ultra linear & triode mode. I'm sure this will match up perfectly to my speakers which have a sensitivity of 105db. Tube Audio Design products are a tremendous value!
I got the amp today and there is NO HISS with a pair of 2004 Klipsch La Scalas 104db. The only way I could barely hear some hiss is with my ear right up against the midrange horn. Phd what speakers do you have? Sounds like some big ole horns to me. What kind of preamp?

I know the amp and new Svetlana EL34s have not burned in yet but I think the sound from EL34 tubes just does not work for me. I know the 6CA7s work very good for me so now I'm curious about the others.

Another thing I'm going to try with this amp that you could also do with the Cayin is to take out tubes 2 and 4 and rebias between 500-600 is what Paul said and it runs as a SET amp. The Cayin would run at 4 watts and sounded good but the bass was not as good and if you turned up the volume to rock it sounded like it was starting to clip.

So now that I have the Cayin 35 watt amp and this TAD 60 triode 30 watt amp I'm going to biamp my La Scalas. Put the 35 watt Cayin on my bass speaker connections and the TAD 60 on the high freq connections and let em rip. Might also put the TAD 60 into SET mode with 2 tubes and see how it sounds.

Has anyone taken the tube casings off the driver tubes and then put them back on to see if there is any difference? I like the look of the amp without them so unless I can hear a difference they are staying off.
