Review: Theta Digital Miles CD Player

Category: Digital

I purchased the Theta second hand for $950. When I replaced my Marantz CD63SE with the Theta Miles, the difference was stark and very apparent. The presentation was far more musical and it almost seemed like the performers were trying that much harder. The biggest difference is in the bass department, the bass in the Theta was a lot deeper tighter and controlled. The stereo imaging was a lot more pronounced and the sound a lot more dynamic. The Theta Miles was truly a revelation to me.

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I agree. I have a Miles (balanced version)and have tried to upgrade many times; auditioning the "new and best". After bringing home a Sony SACD-1, Audio Research CD-3, and a Linn Genki? ($3,500 model), as well as Arcam FMJ, I wondered why this CD player doesn't get more accolades. THe ARC was very nice but felt a little too laid back, and lacked the Miles' slam, and pacing. The others mentioned did not work for me at all. Having said this my listening bias favors timbral accuracy, dynamics, soundstaging abilities. My listening ranges from Folk,blues, country, rock and jazz.
Thanks for shinning a light on the Miles.
You folks here are experts with Theta Digital. Anyone here got any comments on the Theta ProPrime II D/A converter. Your advice is very much appreciated.