I to had the apollo CDP in my system, a lender from my audio store and it to exagerated the upper midrange to lower high frequencies .To be honest its soundstaging capabilities were excelent and its prat factor were outstanding , but its exageration of sibilance were a let down in my system,Magnepan 1.6qr,audible Illusions modulus 3A preamp, Mccormack DNA 125 power amp, all put together with Jps superconductor.Compared with my CDP, cambridge audio azur 640 its imaging was superior,and midbass somewhat more difined, but the cambridge had more meat, its bass and dynamics were more believable,overall I thought that moving from the cambridge to the rega was a sideways move.I had the apollo for about two and a half weeks and in that time I didnt notice a difference in its performance.Just my ten cents worth.