Review: Monitor Audio Silver 8i Speaker

Category: Speakers

This speaker has alot going for it. I listened to quite a few speakers in a 2 month journey to find the best for the money. (under $1500.) The speaker was to be a floor standing with a small footprint. After the hunt was narrowed down to the final two, B&W CM4's and the Monitor Audio silver 8i's. The B&W C4's were my first choice, but after an intense listening session the 8i's were chosen mainly because they spank the B&W's at lower volume, bass is better (they both sound great loud). Both speakers are fast and smooth. The build and finish of both are very nice. These are some of the reasons why I chose the Monitor Audio silver 8i's The build and finish are second to none. (and they look beautiful also). The drivers are fast and smooth. They sound great loud but do not loose the detail and quality when played at lower volumes. They do take a long time to break in!!! (Give them a good long play) 50hrs min.(they do sound good new, but after they break in it's incredible) I'm very happy. If you are looking to purchase speakers in this price range, ($1500.)make sure you listen to the 8i's Great speaker for the $$$ RICK

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I have listened to both of these over and over and while they are both great speakers I think I would probably go with the paradigms.The monitor audios are very attractive to the eye,more so than the paradigms in my opinion.But considering everything my choice would be the paradigms,geat bass extension,sweet mids,and crystal clear highs.
Does the Silver 8i have a fuse? Or a circuit breaker? Mine just suddenly stopped working. Any thoughts?