Review: Cambridge Audio P-500 Tube amp

Category: Amplifiers

After owning many different sets of mid fi equipment I came upon a company I hadent heard much about and was quite hesatent to try them.
After getting over it I finally tried the Cambridge audio c-500 preamp and p-500 amp.
The preamp I must say is the finest I have owned and If I ever upgrade this will be going in my room. For being such a simple preamp It is quite amazing how well it sounds with no interference or volume motor noise (rotel) or anything. Im very happy with the preamp.I was worried because the amp is rated at only 55wpc at 6 ohmsand I didnt think that would be enough. I was rong It kept up with my adcom gfa-545 (125wpc-4ohms)quite well and I belive the sonic realness to be better.
the soundstage was very open and spatious Highs are crystal and topless the lows are solid and very strong.
Granted the amp doesnt quite have the power of my Rotel 1070 the clairity is all too close to the same.
For the price theres no going rong here.
I purchased this equipment from Alazurajim and was very happy with the transaction.
He's a great guy and knows his equipment.

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The Cambridge P500 is most definitely NOT a tube amp. But it IS unbelievable value.

Phil Postings
Woodford Green,