Replacement for speaker binding post

This is for my Sonus Faber Toy Tower.

Not sure what's the right term for this thing. But somehow I lost one of the screws on the back...

I bought mine from Audiogon so the local dealer won't help me out.   Anyone know where I can buy a replacement ?


What do you mean by "Support"?  They won't sell you a part or anything if you bought a speaker used that is now discontinued?  If you purchased a Sonus Faber speaker that has been discontinued, customers don't have the option to buy a new one if that line has been discontinued.  I wonder if it is only on their current lineup.

Well, I bought mine used from Audiogon so I have no idea who is the original dealers. I guess all these audiophile stuff are somewhat niche product, so they don't really go out their way to offer great customer service for everything. I had similar experience with Stax headphone (way worse). 

Anyway, thanks everyone and I bought the item recommended by alucard19.