Rel Storm 3 with Thiel CS1.5's ?

Does anyone know if this would be a good mate for music? 16x18'room with cathedral ceilings to 12'? Would this be overkill, am currently amplifying with Bryston B60R integrated. Appreciate any advice.
The REL subs are awesome. I have a Strata III mated to my 1.5s and it's perfect. Didn't take me nearly as long to get it integrated because I followed everyone advice on Audiogon. :-) I think your room would like a Storm better though. You could also try getting the Sound Anchors stands for your Thiels. They really open them up and let the bass out. Then a Strata III will probably be enough. leo.
Just grist for the mill. DH Labs is coming out with a new version of the Golden Flutes and they will be available for the Thiel 1.5s. This seems to be a good way to get a little more extension out of your Thiels without having to resort to a sub. BTW, I am also using a Bryston BP60R with the Thiel 1.5s. Just as an aside, I just changed my interconnect between my CD player (Sony DVP9000ES) and my Bryston to the Silver Audio Jetstream and I couldn't believe how much more bass extension and definition I got. I also put on a set of Audio Points which fit the holes on the bottom perfectly and the bass extension improved again with greater focus and clarity in the midrange. Hope that helps. Steve
A correction to my last post. That's JPS Labs that makes the Golden Flutes, not DH Labs. Steve
Thanks everyone. Rel subs sound like the ticket! I also like the idea of the sound anchor stands as I have heard this suggested on other threads. Leo, thanks for the repost as I already visited DH Labs site. I will try some suggestions first, but in this crazy game I may have already been bitten by the sub bug!
I may have mixed-up some names in my last post, I'm sorry its late. Steve, just visited JPS Labs... very interesting concept those golden flutes. I think I can wait awhile to investigate this further...nice call...thanks,