Rega Saturn R VS Rega ISIS

Can i get some feedback about the Rega Saturn R   VS  Rega ISIS. I just recently bought the Saturn R { Demo } and purchased the Rega Reference power cable. Absolutely love the sound of  Rega Saturn R.Extremely analog. I do not stream or listen to Lps. So my listening is only cds. I also own a Krell KPS 20i that i compare the Rega Saturn to while listening to cds. And i can honestly say that the Krell KPS 20i has a bass to die for and is somewhat brighter than the Rega Saturn R. I honestly love both players. And the Krell KPS 20i is an absolute bullet proof tank. Quality is second to non . I do love the Rega Saturn R so much that im thinking of maybe selling it down the road and picking up a used Rega ISIS either valve or solid state. Any i would like a first hand experience with some people who had or have the Rega Saturn R and compared it to the ISIS. My system consists of Krell FPB 600, Mark Levinson 38s , Krell BAFs. Rega Saturn R , Krell KPS 20i , Straightwire Crescendo speaker cable and interconnects. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
does Krell still provide service and critical parts for their cd / sacd players, especially, the older models?

Happy Listening!
I, too, found the new Saturn -R to sound very fine.

Happy Listening!
      Jafant, no, Krell does not service any of their old CD players, as they don't have parts (usually laser/transport.) That should not scare you however, because you can usually find the parts online with a little diligence for a reasonable price, and there are plenty of technicians out there that can service Krell products.  
      Tatoo, considering your system, if I were you, I would look for a Krell KRC preamp. I may consider a KRC HR, but would probably pursue the original KRC. Your ML preamp is pretty awesome, and might be fine for your system. The KRC is equally awesome, will likely be more synergistic in your system, and matches your KPS 20i. Lol. You've obviously put a lot of effort into your system, aren't you curious to hear what an all Krell (excluding speakers and cables) system can do? A used KRC should be about $2000, try one for a few months and sell it if you prefer the 38s in your system. Or sell the 38s, either way, you should break even overall.
I have the ISIS valve cdp/DAC.

my take:

(1) the ISIS valve model fully sold me in terms of its performance: well worth the extra cash outlay over the non-valve model.

(2) the Saturn-R is a fine unit, but the ISIS valve cdp/DAC takes it to a whole new performance level.

(3) My matched OSIRIS integrated amp with its XLR interconnect inputs from the ISIS was the next intuitive performance link upgrade. The OSIRIS and ISIS as a matched set have a unique "je ne sais quoi" special symbiotic performance synergy, that is not subtle ...FWIW.

((4) If you do migrate up to the ISIS, do not scrimp on cheap ICs.... go invest in quality build XLR ICs. The RCA REGA Couple ICs that come with the ISIS spinner are good performers in their own right (I use them in my B system) ; BUT .... they can be improved upon significantly when you take the step up.

I did extensive A-B bake offs in my system with a plethora of contenders and pretenders. I settled on an all-NORDOST Frey XLR IC and matched FREY shotgunned speaker cable loom. They are a brilliant match to the REGA OSIRIS / ISIS valve system . Again, both the audio performance and satisfaction improvement quotient was not subtle.

Quality XLR ICs are a necessary and worthy step up IMO to max out its performance capabilities..... full stop.

(5) The ISIS considerable high-end audio performance and resolution strengths also have a noteworthy caution: it WILL definitely reveal all the warts in your system and it will graphically reveal all poor quality recordings.

Happy hunting .