Rega P3-24, Pro-Ject RM-5, or Technics 1200?

I'm in the market for a turntable and have been looking at the Rega P3-24 and the Pro-Ject RM-5. I was a DJ, so I already have 2 Technics SL-1200 MK2s, but based on things I'd read elsewhere assumed that these would never really be "hi-fi". I came to Audiogon to see what people had to say about the Rega and Pro-Ject tables and was surprised to find quite a few postings saying that the 1200s could sound as good or better than either of these. Most of these posts discuss KAB modified 1200s. I've already got the tables, can I get the modifications made to one of my existing tables, and which mods would folks suggest? Also, if people think this is the route to go, what cartridge would you suggest? If this isn't the route to go, which table would you suggest?

Just for reference, here's my current system:
- NuForce IA-7 integrated amp
- Reference 3A MM DeCapo speakers
- Arcam CD36 CD Player
- Bellari Moving Magnet Tube Phono Preamp

Thanks for your suggestions!
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Very good explanation, Learsfool, and good question, Tvad....... From what I've gathered by reading a gazillion reviews of Rega TT's in preparation for my upcoming purchase of a brand new Rega P3-24 with a Rega Exact cartridge mounted and set up by my dealer (Yea !!!....only a week away.....I can hardly wait !), the VTA of both the RB-301 and RB-700 arms is pre-set for Rega cartridges. Using other brand pick-ups will require the proper use of single or multiple 2mm. shims under the arm base to provide the proper VTA. VTA adjustments should not be necessary with the Rega cartridge line. One of the many reasons for my choosing the Rega Exact instead of the Dynavector 10x5 or Benz-Micro Ace is that I feel the "systems approach" of matching a Rega cartridge with a Rega arm and a Rega table makes sense. Obviously, others may disagree, but that's how I feel.
Now,....let's all relax, cue up our favorite record, and enjoy the music !!
Hey folks - thanks for all the responses. Based on suggestions, I think I'm going to start off by changing to a Sumiko Headshell and get the Audio Technica AT150MLX cartridge.

Then I'll get the KAB fluid damper and the Isonoe footers. I'm not sure about the tonearm rewire, as my tables are so old I don't have the original boxes to ship to KAB, and I'm not sure that's something I can do myself.

In fact, after reading through various posts on here, I'm worried about just swapping out the headshell and cartridge. What kind of tools am I going to need to get this set up properly? I see mentions of stylus force gauges, protractors, etc. This is all a new process to me. It's beginning to sound more complicated than I thought it would be and I want to make sure I'm going to be able to pull it off ;-)
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Tvad, that is an excellent question. Adam18 has basically answered it for me, as well, thanks. I have heard that if you want to try a different cartridge on a Rega, you have to buy their spacers to do so, as Rega's cartridges are not quite the standard size. Another reason for the after market stuff is that in this hobby, as I am sure you are aware, there are a great many people much more interested in the equipment than the music, and these folks usually can't leave well enough alone, they have to keep messing with stuff.

I should emphasize that this is NOT a criticism of the great many DIYers who use musical reasons as the basis for their experiments. I would love to build my own SET amp, for instance, or my own horn speakers like my uncle did, if I had any engineering skills whatsoever. Maybe after I retire, but that's a long way off yet. In the meantime, I figure that the manufacturer knows alot more about it than I do, so I will not mess with my Rega setup.