Rega Brio-R Break-in time.

I just bought the new Rega Brio-R integrated amp. This is the third day I am using it now. I have been trying to burn it in but only have about 20 hours on it so far. I have mixed feelings with it so far. Everything sounds great except for one part. The upper midrange and lower treble sounds shrill, bright, and thin. It is unnatural. I wince when the T's and S's come on with singers. And with any instrument in that range it also sounds unnaturally bright. I'll give it another 100 hours or so. I really hope it changes with break in because the amp does so many other things right. My fingers are crossed.
Anyone else have any experience with Rega gear during break in?
JMTCW. I've compared the Rega Brio R with Brio 3, its immediate predecessor, side by side, over an extended period, say 50 hours. I am very familiar with the Rega family sound (having spent over 30 years in audio). The Brio R sonic character is vastly different from the Brio 3. I concur with mezzanine and others who are concerned with the Brio R displaying metallic harshness in the upper-mids and treble. I also feel its overall presentation is sterile, distant, spatially-constrained and lacking air/bloom in comparison to my references (Canary tube pre-amp, Atoll FET power amp, fed by Oppo 93 and custom DAC, powering Merlin TSM monitors, Huffman ICs and Clear Day speaker cables). In examining the Brio R's pre-amp section Rega appear to have installed an ancient TI TL072 opamp on line-level duties with what appear to be cheap Arcotronics(?) polyester 2.2uf input coupling caps. These components differ from the Brio 3 which appears to use a JRC opamp and Evox MMK input caps. These two aspects are likely to shape both amps' sonic characters significantly. I do hope Rega designers at least consider modifying the Brio R's front end for enhanced musicality. To be fair the Brio R's power amp section does a great job of delivering dynamics, grip, extension and PRaT. But this prowess cannot entirely compensate for that other perceived sonic shortcoming. Unfortunately it makes the Brio R tiresome to listen to, and does not quite fullfill its undoubted potential. YMMV. Enjoy the music!
I'm considering the Rega Brio-R for my Vienna Acoustics Mozarts (90db, 4ohm), would it be a good match?
IMHO Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand's are highly musical speakers that are finely balanced. Electrically the Brio R would suit, given its claimed load stability down to 1.7 ohms. The rest of your system's synergy is important, including source components and cabling. See my earlier comments as to Brio R sonic character.
Thanks Affinity. Would you suggest opamp and input caps modifications for the Rega Brio-R?
We have the Rega Brio R hooked up to a pair of Vandersteen 1CIs with Kimber Kable 8TC or 12 TC a Cary Exciter Dack
Peoples heads aree spinning when they hear this system.
If you hook it up with nuetral gear you wont miss the boat on what its all about.
JohnnyR Rega Dealer