Reference 3A Decapo "i" sounds shrilly

I just bought a Reference 3a Decapo "i" version pair of speakers mounted on sound anchors speaker stands. I'm using a Antique sound lab ki22 fox dt integrated, Cary 306 cdp, siltech interconnects and Harmonic Tech pro speaker cables. The sound is shrill to the point of listener fatique and dissapointment. Is it my cables, the amp/speaker combo, the speakers? I'm confused and frustrated. Any suggestion?
Robert ; How do the Sason's compare with the 'stock' De Capo i's ? How are they at low listening levels ?
Thanks .

The Sason is in a whole other league across the board. It had better be at over four times the price of the Decapo i. Still, the Decapo is a great little speaker at it's price point and above. Though not perfect, it's a great communicator.

I assume you're asking about the Sason at low listening levels. For a lot of reasons, this is an area that we think should be an acid test for any speaker. As one of many design goals, this is another area we feel the Sason sets a standard.


I have a pair of 3a i's and they are not shrilly at all.
It's funny I had the exact opposite experience than Bryanp
I had the Merlin TSM-Se's, While I loved many aspects of the Merlin sound, I found these fatiquing after while (perhaps the Mx is different). I bought
the De Capos's i's as I found these much more uniform and tame.

I have driven each with both solid state (McCormack) and Tubes (Cary mono's). The tubes and De Capo's are a very wonderful seductive combination, (tho a little flabby in the bass), but I that is not unexpected given my tube amps.

Good luck,
