Redgum Audio

Anyone hear or own any Redgum gear? Amplifiers or Speakers?
Would be very interested in your thoughts.
Their stuff looks very interesting! Audio from down under, Australia.
Hi Mezz,

Sure the Redgum Sonofagum SG 5500 Amp and Kef LS50's

with Vinyl and CD.

Like I said OK -to me lacked balls and dynamic contrast--but you may

find it to your liking

Good Luck

I own RGi120 ENR and use with Zu Omen Def
Very bright amp, pasive preamp section is very specific sound when I plug strait to speakers, detailed sound, but highs to bright, bass is OK, I would say not impressive
I am using as source Opera consonance Ref 2.2 CD player with 6H30P-DR Supertube installed, this player sound so good with any set up I have tried
Preamp Opera consonance 2.2 Ref too with underwood mod
which sound fantastic too
all these combos makes sound good to ZU speakers but not impresive
already put on sale speakers and amp would be on sale soon
based on reviews this brand sound carzy good, but in real life very specific sound, must hear first before buy
very specific amp
I own RGi120 ENR
Bright to zu omen def speakers
bass is not impressive too
need to hear first before buy it
Thanks Igorb, Team212, and Gopher.

@Igorb, I am a little worried if Redgum amps can sound bright, especially in the upper midrange and lower treble area? My ears are pretty sensitive to this. I am surprised you said the Redgum sounds bright with ZU speakers. I have heard them before and it seems like it would take a lot to get ZU's to sound bright. They are pretty warm and full. Perhaps you just prefer the tube sound? I think tubes are the best match for the ZU's. I heard an Electrocompaniet integrated with a pair of ZU's, not the best combo, and while the sound was a bit lean it was a sound I could still live with. And I consider Electrocompaniet to be a bit bright sounding.

@ Team212,
The Redgum Sonofagum SG 5500 is the only Redgum amp that it is not made by them. They source it from China and only tweak it a little. I was looking for a Redgum made integrated amp which I am guessing sounds a bit different than that one.

The Redgum now has dual remote volume control that matches the volume of each channel to within only 0.1DB of each other. You can also change each level as well. Downside is that Redgum can not use the much more expensive volume controls that they use in the non remote versions. You can also only change the source through the remote as it is then electronic switching. I prefer the reliability of the manual dual volume controls. But I just don't think I will ever be able to match the channels to within 0.1DB by ear like the remote one can.

I do wish I could try one out before I buy. I am a little surprised that it could be a bright sounding amp. I would have thought that with the MOSFET output devices and the passive preamp section that the amp would sound smooth if not slightly warm. That is more of the sound I am going for.

Any further insights on the sound quality would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.
Hi Mezzanine

Yes i own a Redgum RGI - 120enr along with the Redgum Phonostage and RGCD5enr cd player , speakers are Triangle Antal 202 floor standers and Rel - R 305 subwoofer , I have been dealing with Ian and Lindy for many years and can only say they are a gem to deal with , infact i have rang them and discussed my system and potential variations/improvements several times.
Lindy is lovely and pleasure to talk to she never and i mean never will push you away as if its to much of there hard earned time , even if you do not decide to purchase believe me they will be just as welcoming next time round.
As far as back up they are second to none , ever had a component fail and send it to the tech only to find parts no longer available ? , With Redgum no need to worry , if and thats a big if ! your amp has a problem in the future you can speak to Ian Robinson direct , parts are not an issue . As far as the Redgum components are concerned i love there open and non fatigue presentation along with a steller backup service , i have no problem with giving them 10 points . In my personal opinion they are not bright sounding amplifiers infact the Mosfet design gives a non fatigue presentation .

All the best