Recommended pre amp's w/excellent phono stage

I really want to explore this route first, before I use an outboard pre I am just kind of finicky about adding another cable to complicate matters. Please restrict your recommendations to the sub-$1K category.

Thank you
I have been happy with my Classe CP-35, to which I've added the optional phono card. This is a daughtercard, so nothing is external, it just turns your first input into a phono input. Supports MC/MM. You are left with three regular inputs (in addition to the phono) and 1 balanced input, as well as tape in/out.

List price for the combo is about $1550, but the CP-35 used is often listed here for $500-$800. I haven't seen the phono board sold here, but even if you pay new price ($250) for the phono board, you're still within the budget.
Classe makes a few preamps with phono in your price range like the CP-45 or if you can spend a bit more go with the CP-60 Happy Listening
There is a Jeff Rowland Coherence One preamp now on audiogon for $800. One of the best phono stage I have owned, and I have had both the AI Modulus 3 and Counterpoint SA5.1. Rowland stuff sounds great and lasts forever.
i have a conrad johnson pv10A pre amp that has an excellent phono is paired with a b&k ss amp.the pv10A comes up now and then in the classifieds.if you can get it for $600 or under it is a steal.cj will also upgrade it to 10B status for about $300.
Rega Hal is a good choice for budget analog system. I have ever compared Rega with Lehmann Black Cube and cant locate the difference.