Recommendations for SS preamp for Pass XA-30.8

I want to change my Pass Labs XP-10 preamp to another analog SS preamp around $ 3500-5500 (or less) new or used with balanced XLR inputs and outputs, remote control and HT Bypass.

Looking for more revealing and resolving sound with more air around instruments, better/tighter bass, better 3D imaging and wider/deeper soundstage.

The rest of the system:

Transport: OPPO BDP-105
Amp: Pass Labs XA-30.8
Speakers: Snell C7 (Floorstanding, 3-way, tri-wired, 89Db)
Interconnects: Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval
Speaker Wires: Analysis Plus Oval 9, Oval 12, Oval 12.

Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
karapuz I said the Oppo was a mediocre transport not DAC. The reason you didn't hear big differences is because you used the same transport into a different DAC. If you would use a 2 channel dedicated CDP/transport you would hear the difference. The transport section of the Oppo is optimized for Blu-Ray, 2 channel is an afterthought.
What does transport have to do with digital files played directly from my hard drive? Actual CD's and SACD's are about 5% if not less of what I listen. Any suggestions?

I’m sorry I don’t have any recommendation for you or opinion on your question but, I have a question for you. I see you use the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval Interconnects. I am thinking of purchasing them. I currently use Transparent Audio Musiclink Plus ICs.
Can you provide a description of the sound qualities of the A+ Solo Crystals Ovals ICs? Particularly in regards to mid-range weight, bass response and weight. I love the transparency of the TA Musiclink ICs but I feel they are light on weight of Mids and lows. What is your opinion and experience with them?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
