Recommendation for new 5-ch Amp

I currently have a Sunfire Cinema 5 amp, 200w/ch. Looking for suggestions on a possible upgrade. I use my HT system 60% movies, 40% music.
Bryston 9Bsst2, Cary cinema series, or the new Moon multi-channel amps would all be upgrades from your Sunfire amp I would think
What is it that you don't like about your current amp? The amp is just one part of the entire system chain. If you can't identify what you like or don't like you'll have the upgrade itch forever. With any recommendations, you're just buying a brand name and not necessarily the right fit. For example, if you have Maggie's then you need both high current and stability into a 2ohm load. If you have more sensitive speakers then you don't need extreme power, etc. All electronics affect the sound. I don't feel as though you've given enough info to get the proper feedback and recommendations you are looking for.
Cinenova Earthquake, big clean effortless. I also went to this amp from the Sunfire and absolutely love it.
BAT VK-6200. It can be configured for 2,3,4,5 or 6 channels. 200W into 8 ohms or 400 watts into 4 ohms per channel, all channels driven simultaneously. Independent 700VA PS for each channel.

Makes the Theta and Krell MCH amps look like toys. It's only disadvantage - it weighs 180 lb.s for 5 channels and over 200 lb.s for 6 channels - you might need an engine hoist to move it.
I had the Classe 5 channel amp and I am now using the Butler 5150 which I like much better.