Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
I'll add one that is kind of back to front. My neighbor put together a system because he liked mine and also had a friend whispering in his ear. Got some scandinavian speakers (dont know what kind but mid price, some rears/center/sub and then crammed then into corners to keep them out of the way. Sounds terrible but they like it. I guess the lesson is if you buy good stuff and stuff it in a closet so it sounds bad it's overpriced.
Linkster Sorry about the delay in replying. Yes you are correct, origonal Stillpoints, with and without risers, compared to Stillpoint Ultra SS. Again, the biggest difference was on the turntable and there was a difference, but not, to my ears, commensurate with the price. Only to my ears and on my system, of course.
I totally disagree about Rolexes being for suckers. I bought mine almost 29 years ago for $650. I have been wearing it nearly every day since and it still keeps time accurate to within 2-3 minutes a month. I expect to wear it for another 30 years. Anybody still have a piece of audio gear from 1984 which has been used daily and still functions nearly perfectly?
Yes: I purchased a Mitsubishi DA-F20 tuner in the 70's. It is on all the time -still sounds great. Never been serviced.
The Tice clocks. I actually bought them in 1991. Still have them as a reminder of my youthful stupidity and the superior salesmanship of The Cable Company. I look at them daily, leering and sneering at me in justifiable superiority at my idiocy and hope to be smarter each day. I keep them as a warning - and by and large keeping them has kept me from making the same moronic mistake again - although I've come close - $4800 for a pair of Stealth Indras the closest.......but I fixed that....sold 'em....didn't fix the Tices though. A good few hundred $ for some $10 worth of LCD clocks.....audioassholitude is the malady and its a constant fight to keep it at bay........