Ready to try vinyl

I would like to buy a turntable just to see what all the fuss is about. Since I remember the pops and scratches all too well, I do not want to spend alot just to satisfy my curiosity. I want a turntable that is capable of giving me a "taste" of what the vinyl sound is all about without going overboard. I can always upgrade if I like what I hear. I would also like to avoid deciding against vinyl because the turntable was not capable of capturing at least the basics. What turntables should I be looking at and how much should I spend? I would prefer to buy used due to the experimental nature of this adventure. Current gear is Sunfire processor with phono input, a pair of Classe M 701's, and B&W 800N. I am relying on your responses since I don't know squat. Thanks for your help.
Albertporter...I won't debate with you whether existing DD turntables exhibit "cogging", but, speaking as one with some experience with (non-audio) DD precision servos, "cogging" would be a flaw in the design. It is no more inherent to a DD system than to an indirect drive such as a belt or idler wheel. A DD system avoids problems of compliance (belt stetch) or backlash in the torque transmission hardware.
I'm sure ALL you guys read the post,about the Mega Massive,and speed stable,Fly Wheel!!There are a couple of ways to obtain accurate speed.This being one!

Also,as I'm sure the Walker is quite "stable enough for me",though Peter Montcrieff makes a strong arguement for direct drive( unfortuneately he does this in about 100,000 words),anyone NOT happy with his/her Walker can trade me for my NEW SOTA COSMOS sreies III(speed controlled by a very cute,and dead accurate computer/belt config)!!I won't ask any questions,though I do love my Cosmos,I'll still be happy to make that trade!!

BTW--Albert,My COSMOS is ALL BLACK!!How about it???????
Actually in a "sort of related" area,my friend Sid Marks makes a very strong case for the "first pressing" syndrome,which is, in and of itself, a very valid area of getting much better performance without doing a thing to the set-up!!

There are numerous variables involved in analog "Heaven"!No parameter is perfect.

Sid's point,and he is also a FANATIC,with a capital "F",is if we start with the earliest pressing available(he actually gets numerous ones,and compares them)you bridge the gap to better sound.I know you all are aware of this,but I have been sort of shocked at how many "early" pressings are "significantly" improved upon,by a slightly earlier one.Who has the time for all this?Not me!However it bridges the performance gap,all the more!!Makes me think, too!
I've learned more in the 30 minutes it took me to get through this thread than the months of reading about various TT designs. Thanks to all those who have been participating. I own a belt driven table, I'm pleased with it but I had been considering a dd Technics table for some mixing, perhaps I'll go head to head with my table just for fun.