Rap music on high-end speakers


I have audiophile taste in gear, but not in music. I listen to rap music, and occansionaly R&B. Is there anyone out there like me? What do you listen for when buying gear? I was wondering what are the benefits in getting better gear? I want to upgrade the speakers to either proac response 3.8 or wilson cubs. Here is my system:

Levinson No.23
aranov ls-9000
Platinum audio reference 2
Paradigm servo 15
kimber speaker wire
esoteric component wires
amc cdm7
Kevziek, what you in milehigh club or something? I bet you are racist too. I think, it is (the rap music) where is coming from is the problem with the rap music bashers (mostly older, narrow minded, white trash who are still stuck in 50's and full of themselves). Hey I love classical too, and only wish I can play piano or viloin or something ( I have tried). But I love many other types of music, including rap. And Yeah I am one of thoes car stereo blaster as you put it AND I am owner of Classe Electronics. I bet If Stereophile or TAS starts to review rap music favorably, you would buy it. I am not looking for pissing contest . Okay? And don't even think about criticizing my spelling or grammer.
hey kev, i am just listening goodie 'still standing'. Maybe you should check it out. I would recommend you also puff daddy 'no way out' and you should start with oldie cube ameriKKKan most wanted let me know
Kevziek, Are you mad at someone? You seem a little pissed off. Did you get beat up recently by some rappers? I thought this thread was over with. Oh well its still fun
Kevziek, my little sister calls people like you "Scared White People".

You call yourself a professional musician but don't seem to know much about music.

I see rap as a least common denominator of the product of generations upon generations of slavery (even after the civil rights movement). You need to remember that slaves were brought from different regions of Africa and thus removed from their native types of music (which are very different one from another--take it from someone originally from the Caribbean). What was common to all of them was the storytelling in a call and response pattern with heavy primal rythms.

And that's what we have. Unfortunately, we are having kids not learning music and thinking it all ends there--I'll give you credit for that. From what I understand the average Spanish rap recording has a shelf life of only TWO months! That's it. Nobody will remember them two years from now. So there is something very wrong here. It's just that you present it along with your prejudices and fears...and others are unable to sift and sort your message. They need a better jitter filter.

>> I see rap as a least common denominator <<

There's the problem - "least". Rap "music" is the lowest form of musical expression. Black music is, as you correctly stated, based upon a call and response pattern - the great gospel music and much of jazz bears this out. However, the BIG difference is that those musicians are actually playing instruments and/or SINGING - not scratching records and woofing. Any idiot can run his mouth, curse, and degrade women - it takes real skill and dedication to get up and sing with the choir - that's music, my friend.

>> Kevziek, my little sister calls people like you "Scared White People".

It's just that you present it along with your prejudices and fears... <<

Ahem, now who's showing their prejudices? Just because Kevziek hates rap doesn't make him white and scared. Wynton Marsalis can't stand rap, either. I hate rap, too, and I'm white, but I am not much afraid of anything - except my wife .

Keveziek's main point is that American culture has declined dramatically in the last 30 years, and rap is one of the signs (Brittney Spears is another ). The fact that everyone gives rap artists a bye on the crap they produce is simply because it makes money and it is political suicide to criticize ANYTHING done by blacks today, no matter how tasteless or lame it may be.