"NEWEST'" Favorite album

Stop the press!!! Tom Petty's new album "MOJO" is a MARVEL!! Congrats to him & the hearbreakers!
EXOCET954, For Richard Thompson check out "Old Kit Bag," "Mock Tudor," "Shoot Out the Lights," plus his new release "Electric Trio." All great but not live. I don't think he has ever put out anything bad.
Nikki Hill, "Here's Nikki Hill." Roots rock with some sax soul thrown in. Great live performer too. The cd sounds live in the studio to me. Kind of compressed but not as bad as a lot of others.
Anais Mitchell, Young Man in America... stunning!
Wildoats: R Thompson "Electric"... while the music is good, the sonics (lp) are a let down!
Swampwalker: I recently saw Tift, her last show of the Traveling Alone tour. What a great artist, song writer, performer!!!!