"Neutral/Clear Amp vs. Dark Amp"

It seems that of the many reviews I read about amps within my price range (under $5,000 new) they always end with some reference to a "dark" sound. That is exactly what I am NOT looking for. I'm looking for a clear, neutral sounding amp that won't add anything other that a clear representation of the music. I'm thinking maybe Classe, Ayre, Pass, Sim Audio? I'd like to hear other recommendations. I'd also like to stick with SS, as I have a deHavilland preamp and it mates well with SS amps. Speakers are Von Schweikert 4.5's and I use silver wire throughout. Listen to digital and analog, all types of music. That's the key. It has to sound like music, otherwise why bother? Currently using a McCormack DNA-1. It's a good amp, just looking for a significant upgrade. Another choice is to send the amp back to McCormack and have them do some significant upgrades.
Also consider the parasound JC 1 if you can deal with te size and heat. They were very good sounding with my Von schweikert vr 4 sr speakers.
Also consider the parasound JC 1 if you can deal with te size and heat. They were very good sounding with my Von schweikert vr 4 sr speakers.
I've read a lot of good things about the JC 1's. They just take up too much real estate for me to consider, and the heat in the summer might be a bit much. Regarding Musical Concepts, many moons ago I had them modify my Adcom 555 to very good effect. Still was a bit harsh, but sounded better after their mod. Good to see they are still around. Anyone want to weigh in on a used Threshold amp, possibly with an update? I remember from memory that they could sound quite good.