"Mac" Integrated Owners: Are You Experienced?

I have a McIntosh MA6900 and will be auditioning the following interconnects in my system: JPS Superconductor 2, Synergistic Kaliedecope Phase 2, Cardas Neurtal Ref, Wireworld Eclipse 5, and MIT s3i Shotgun.

My system is: McIntosh MA 6900 Integrated (JPS AC+ PC); Simaudio Nova/Chimera Labs Advantage II IC's(Flavor 4 PC); Definitive Technology BP 7002 speakers (Analysis Plus Oval 9 cable) HSU VTF2 mk2 sub. FIM AC outlets/ Shunyata Hydra 4 w/ Shunyata Copperhead PC (to Nova

Do you have experience with any of these interconnects and your McIntosh?
yes i actually own a ma 6100 with mit terminator2 and its ok but never tried anything different
Late response, but...I have a McIntosh MC-162 amp, Pass Labs X2 pre and Arcam CD73 with vibrapods underneath. I use MIT S2 ics between power and pre. I use Audience Au24 between pre and cd. Single run Oval 9s to NHT 2.5 speakers. Synergistic Classic pcs on amp and pre + Nordost Shiva on cdp. Everythings plugged in to a Monster HTPS7000. I've tried the Kaleidescope Phase 1&2, Looking Glass 1, Wireworld Eclipse 5 and Polaris 5. All were excellent cables, but putting the MITs in was almost sublime. Everything fleshed out and sounded much more natural. What did you end up using?
I too enjoy MIT cables with my McIntoshes. But I find that Mcs aren't as senstive to cable selection as other (pre)amps I have had. Arthur