"Best" DAC for a grand or less

I am looking for a DAC for under a grand . I want something to favor the bass side ,as now my system is a bit on the bright side.I would like it to have a usb port also.My system now is......
Hafler pre amp
Counterpoint solid 1a amp (100 watts)
Nad 515 cd player
Tekton Lore speakers
Made in UK Rega Dac
This unit has impressed myself as well as many folks since its release.
Sleek heavy build quality Offers a robust power supply four adjustable input filters.
One of the four should complement your system to
your preference.
Yes I am a dealer for Rega
Best Johnnyr
"Best" is very subjective, but here are some good audition candidates in that price range:
Eastern Electric Minimax
Wyred4Sound DAC1
Arcam rDAC3