quicksilver amps and preamps any thoughts ??

any input on theses items, they look nice, am curious to the sound and reliability, thanks. Any comparisons to other equipment etc.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
I used to own the linestage...extremely reliable, sounded best w/ acoustic music, jazz, and light rock. Good tonal balance...not too tubey and definitely not hard/bright sounding.
Hi Kw6,

I'm using the Triodes with 104dB horn speakers, and they are totally silent. That is, until I crank the music. If you're anywhere near N. California, you are welcome to come have a listen.
I've got the 8417 monoblocks and there is some mechanical hum from the transformers. However, this is not translated to the speakers at all. You have to go up to the amps to hear it, but music remains completely unaffected. The amps sound fantastic as well. Since these were early Quicksilver stuff, I'm sure the Triodes being discussed have overcome any of those early kinks.
I have the V4's and the background is dead quiet. If you go up to the amps themselves with no music playing, you can hear a slight hum but nothing at all over the speakers. My Merlin's were a lot noiser with the Audio Research D-125 amp I used to have. Oh, and they sound great and have been absolutely trouble free. There may be better amps, but they are pretty darn good and a really good value I think. The one thing I'd like to do is try an OTL amp with my speakers sometime when I can afford one but other then that, I'm sticking with the Quickies. Oh, I have used cheater plugs as I get a pronounced hum without them but thats not the transformers. I've been thinking about getting a balanced line conditioner for that issue, but it seems as though a lot of A'goner's have that issue with their systems.
I use a Mini-Mite pair with the Cary SLP-98 preamp and I can tell you it is dead quiet and very musical. The Quicksilvers are a very nice amps if you don't mind the simple appearance.
