Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  


stevencason, where do you find these low capacitance cables? Are they usually associated with more expensive designs?

Because then you’d have to buy a $15,000 de-humidifier to make sure the air is at exactly 40% humidification to ensure full range of the signal , a  $3000 de-ionizer to make sure only the purest Bluetooth signal passes to the receiver, and limited spectrum light bulbs at $250 a piece to prevent noise in the signal. I just so happen to have a warehouse (basement) fully stocked with all of these exclusive items. 🤑

Why haven’t the top brands simply built and marketed a "King-Size" all-in-one audio configuration? Consider an over-size receiver, approximately 4’x5’, that has top quality point-to-point internal silver soldering/wiring, strategically placed EMI/RMF blocking, internal grounding as well as wireless speakers, etc?

It seems to me herein lies the solution to settling this cabling versus high-quality cabling versus no cabling debate; in addition to proving to all the whiny TD’s, once and for all, that...



You need cables heavy enough to carry the current and so do not present a resistive or inductive load. Thats it. Fancy, expensive cables IMO is BS. I assume you are being funny about using wi-fi instead of cables.

I guess I'm just a jerk then and don't know anything about cables,power cords.If I did have thousands of dollars to spend on cables.I them would need a new and upscale wall outlet  and new in wall electrical wiring  and completely isolated power box.I mean I just plug my Amp into the wall outlet  and use cables supplied by the manufacturer .Maybe I'll hit lotto and then take a great vacation and I won't even have to listen to why system. Happy Labor Day.