Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  


When I shop for cables I look for low capacitance designs.  You don't have to spend a lot to find them.  As for the post to each his own.

stevencason, where do you find these low capacitance cables? Are they usually associated with more expensive designs?

Because then you’d have to buy a $15,000 de-humidifier to make sure the air is at exactly 40% humidification to ensure full range of the signal , a  $3000 de-ionizer to make sure only the purest Bluetooth signal passes to the receiver, and limited spectrum light bulbs at $250 a piece to prevent noise in the signal. I just so happen to have a warehouse (basement) fully stocked with all of these exclusive items. 🤑

Why haven’t the top brands simply built and marketed a "King-Size" all-in-one audio configuration? Consider an over-size receiver, approximately 4’x5’, that has top quality point-to-point internal silver soldering/wiring, strategically placed EMI/RMF blocking, internal grounding as well as wireless speakers, etc?

It seems to me herein lies the solution to settling this cabling versus high-quality cabling versus no cabling debate; in addition to proving to all the whiny TD’s, once and for all, that...



You need cables heavy enough to carry the current and so do not present a resistive or inductive load. Thats it. Fancy, expensive cables IMO is BS. I assume you are being funny about using wi-fi instead of cables.