Questions for Soliloquy fans

I was about to buy a pair of Monitor Audio Silver S6($1000 MSRP) which is pretty good for me for now, but then I thought that it'll be a while before I get a speaker upgrde, so that I decided to go extra at this time.

I hear only great things about Soliloquy speakers, so I'm doing some more reasearch on it.

I'm particulary interested in 5.3 that matching size mid/bass woofer center and satllite speakers available

Here are questions
so, how's 5.3 vs 6.2 vs 6.3?
is double 5.25" mid/bass woofer on 5.3 'big' enough?
also, I see some variations on the model naming, ie 5.3, 5.3i, 6.2s, etc..., what are the latest? what are the differences?

Looks like their website is not even up to date.

Also, what are the alternatives worth comparing to Soliloquy


Hello - I have owned both the Soliloquy 5.3 and 6.3.
Their build quality is 2nd to none. Beautiful furniture quality cabinets made in North Carolina with very heavy internal bracing. They are rear ported, so you need to have them at least 3 feet from the back wall. They both sound great with both acoustic and electric musical sources.
The 5.3's even with their smaller woofers have good bass extension, but the 6.3's have even better bass and I think a more distinct mid-range, a larger room filling presentation. I have heard many speakers, some of them many times the price that did not sound as good. You can't go wrong with either one.
I hope this helps.
I have not heard the 6.2 or 6.3's to compare, but do have and love the
5.3's. According to, I think it was the Stereophile review (which is online
if you do a bit a searching), the 6.2's occured to the reviewer as a bit
more musical sounding at the expense of some low-end extension,
while the 5.3's offered the extension at the slight expense of musicality.
Having owned the 5.3's for while I do not find them lacking in any way.
They mate very well with tubes and are pretty efficient at 90db. I'm
currently driving them with 10wpc PP amps and they are plenty full and
rich for a smallish room.

No, their website is not up to date. The 'i' versions of the speakers are
the newer versions of each of the models. They went from hard corners
on their cabinets to rounded corners. They also changed the drivers and
the 'i' version drivers seem to be aluminum or some metalic material.
The new drivers look very similar to those used in their sister line of
speakers AAD's E-series, but appearence may be where the similarity

On the new market, I don't think you'll find as good a speaker at the
closeout prices that still seem to linger here and there on the Soliloquy
older models and B-stock. Competitive sounding speakers may be
Vandersteins, or Vienna Acoustics floor standers.

The Soliloquys do take a substantial amount of hours to break-in, but it
is worth your patience in my experience. Fit and finish is indeed

I asked Dave Berman at Soliloquy the difference between the 5.0 and the 5.01 and this is what he sent me:

First the cabinet is better built, more durable and better looking. It is comprised of 1” thick medite compressed at 11,000lbs per sq. inch, this compared to our old cabinet made from HDF. We then use a darker stain formulation and top coat with polyurethane. The old cabinet had a nitro-cellulose lacquer.

The new cabinet also has the front three edges radiused at ¼” for better imaging.

We have improved the driver to be slightly lighter and faster, as well as more rigid.

We now use analysis plus wiring and better sound dampening compounds. We also have improved the mounting layout and the capacitance in our networks.

All of this translates into slightly better imaging, more body in the midrange, greater durability, faster break-in time and a more open top end.