Question of priorities in audio cables

As far as I can determine there are 3 things that go into making an audio cable- whether an IC, power cord, or speaker cable.

Those are the cable, the connectors, and the workmanship. I've considered which is most opportunity, and which is least important. To me, I think workmanship is the #1 priority, followed by the connectors, and then the wire itself.

What do others think?
Audiolabyrinth, I wouldn't go that far, but the High Fidelity cables make a much bigger impact on my sound than have speakers.
TBG "High Fidelity cables make a much bigger impact on my sound than have speakers."

How does that work? Speakers are reproducing the sound.
Lizard84, I have gone from Acapella speakers to Tidal speakers to BMC speakers. In these switches none give the degree of improvement that I got with the HFCables and their pcs.
I feel the two main things are the conductor, long single crystal copper, and the dielectric used. After years of Tara, Synergistic, Audioquest, Harmonic Technology, Mapleshade, Van den Hul I have finally settled on AntiCables. These are sonically superior to my ears over the others. Close to Mapleshade, but a bit more dynamic, at least in my system. Plus, they are priced appropriately.